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Organized the seminar on the paths and supports for students with special educational needs at Hong Kong Polytechnic University and received over 200 applications. Speakers included politicians Mr. Cheung Chiu-hung, Professor Sin Kuen-fung, and Ms. Snowy Choi. Supporting organizations included Hong Kong Integrated Education Concern Association, HKCCF Youth, VJMEDIA, Life Workplace, Vigoroso Studio, Audio Description Association (Hong Kong), Autism Partnership Foundation, Hong Kong Association for Specific Learning Disabilities, and the Girls’ Brigade Hong Kong.


“Work.Life” was officially published as a book and sold in Hong Kong Book Fair 2016. During the period of Hong Kong Book Fair 2016, we invited some of the interviewees of the book, such as Mr. Herman Chan, Ms. Dawning Leung, and Mrs. Snowy Choi, to have sharing on the following topics respectively – Elderly Simulation Suit experience, audio description, and discussion on issues of students with special educational needs.



Cooperated with Mr. Tat Cheng, district councilor of the Eastern District Council, and set up a street booth in North Point to have colouring games with children before Father’s Day 2016.


Cooperated with Mr. Leung Siu-sun and Ms. Leung Wing-man, district councilors of the Eastern District Council, and have colouring games with children before Father’s Day 2016 at Quarry Bay Community Complex.


Our Facebook® page supporters proliferated over 15,000, and the page kept ranking first in terms of interaction rate with fans in the following two areas – non-profit organizations and social enterprises, and special education.



Mr. James Fong, our manager, and with the cooperation with Hong Kong Society for the Aged and the broadcast by Phoenix Television, held a talk on our “Elderly Teacher Scheme”.



Was invited by JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes as one of the supporting organizations of “Hong Kong Young Social Entrepreneur Contest 2016”, which allowed students with interests in social enterprises to understand more about the industry. Mr. James Fong, our manager, was invited to be one of the judges on scrutinizing participating students’ proposals.



Was invited by the programme Pearl Report. Reporters of the Television Broadcast Limited paid a visit to our office and exchanged ideas on the current situations of school support to students with special educational needs.


Cooperated with the Girls’ Brigade Hong Kong and held a carnival in Tin Shui Wai, using boards and games to share ideas on parental education to the general public.


Invited Mrs. Snowy Choi, the vice-president of Hong Kong Integrated Education Concern Association, and held a seminar about the characters of children with special educational needs and their respective caring strategies.


Cooperated with Christian Family Service Centre and set a booth to have public education on the topic of students with special educational needs.



Our Facebook® page received over 5,000 likes and was ranked first in terms of interaction rate with fans in the following three areas – non-profit organizations and social enterprises, education, and special education.



Cooperated with Hong Kong Economic Times Press and Chinese Christian Literature Council and provided complimentary books to participants of our Facebook® page events.


Mr. Benjamin Ng, our registered educational psychologist, was invited by HKEdCity as the one of the speakers on the seminar on how to help teenagers with Attention Deficit and/or Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) overcome their difficulties in learning.



Cooperated with Hong Kong Institute of Education and provided internship opportunities for students of its psychology programmes.



Was moved to the new office in International Plaza in Kowloon Bay.


Cooperated with Miss Rosie Rabbies, an English teacher cum animator, to share LinkMic comics on her Facebook® page. Miss Rosie Rabbies also shared her opinions on how teachers viewed students with special educational needs and some pedagogical strategies on catering to them.



Was invited by disc joker Mr. Kengo Ip to have sharing on the issue of inclusive education on his programmes on 881903 of Commercial Radio Hong Kong.


LinkMic was published in the magazine “Ani-wave” (page 57 of volume 345) to spread the issues of students with special educational needs to comic-lovers.



Finished the publication of five issues of “Work.Life”. Interviewees in these five issues included politician Mr. Kwong Chun-yu, the creator of “Mr. & Mrs. HK People” Mr. Maxwell Ip, ex-anchor Mrs. Akina Fong Kin-yee, singer-songwriter Mr. Hanjin Tan. With reference to Facebook® tracking statistics, the five issues of “Work.Life” had reached a total of more than 100,000 readers.


LinkMic was translated into English for the convenience of English speakers.


Was invited by JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes as one of the supporting organizations of “Hong Kong Young Social Entrepreneur Contest 2015”. Winners of the contest were arranged to have internship at our organization.



Ms. Sarah Lee, our registered counselling psychologist, was interviewed by the issue 156 of the magazine “Preschool” (學前教育), discussing issues such as “going Dutch for birthday parties?” and “children’s moral values”.


Participated in “Good Marketplace” organized by the Good Lab for the first time, exchanging our organizational ideas, products, and plans with the general public and receiving their welcome and support.



Launched “S.T.A.R. Chinese Reading and Writing and Drama Services for Students of Non-Chinese Speakers”.


Was interviewed by PMM Media, sharing our organizational ideas and services.


Published the first issue of “Work.Life” (職活). “Work.Life” explored how different people with different jobs developed their “work” and “life” simultaneously. The first interviewee was Mr. Kwong Chun-yu, a Hong Kong politician for the Democratic Party and an online novelist.



Mr. James Fong and Ms. Sarah Lee, our manager and registered counselling psychologist respectively, were interviewed by the issue 152 of the Taiwanese magazine “Preschool” (學前教育), discussing the issue “parents who always complain”.


Launched “L.I.F.E. Career Planning Services for Secondary Students”. One of its components, PriceLess, which simulated how different jobs and industries have been working and functioning in the real world, received very high popularity among secondary schools.



Became a member of the Good Lab, Hong Kong’s first Social Innovation hub. Mr. James Fong, our manager, was interviewed by it, discussing the difficulties and opportunities under inclusive education.



Organized a competition on finding typos in our daily lives. Participants of the competition had chances to get memo packs of our original comic LinkMic. Even more, they could personally give out the ‘standby vouchers’ issued by the restaurant of “Ming Gor” to people in need.



“LinkMic”, our original comic, was uploaded to our Facebook® page and website. The main characters of Linkmic were all animals with special educational needs (SEN). Extended from this, it was hoped to raise the awareness of the general public on SEN students and promote the spirit of an inclusive education environment.

2013 or Before

December 2013

Cooperated with Eldpathy, a social enterprise, and provided opportunities for secondary students to wear the specially designed “Elderly Simulation Suits”, in order to gain first-hand experiences on the physiological states of the elderly, and thus build up empathy and awareness towards caring for the elderly.


November 2013

Launched the “Elderly Teacher Scheme”, which provided the retired with opportunities to cater to specific students with special educational needs through follow-up work and counselling services. Through the scheme, the retired could share their invaluable experiences with the younger generations and continually utilize their expertise to serve the community.


September 2013

Cooperated with Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Baptist University and provided internship opportunities for students of its respective psychology undergraduate programmes.


July 2013

Mr. James Fong, our manager, held a workshop for Elder Academy at Lingnan, discussing the harmony between the older and younger generation.


January 2013

Cooperated with Hong Kong Community College, Hong Kong Polytechnic University and provided internship opportunities for students of its social sciences and psychology associate programmes.


September 2012

Cooperated with City University of Hong Kong and provide internship opportunities for students of its counselling postgraduate programme.


April 2012

Mr. James Fong, our manager, was interviewed by Hong Kong Institute of Education, discussing how psychology could be applied in business.


September 2011

Cooperated with University of Hong Kong and provided internship opportunities for students of its counselling postgraduate programme.


September 2010

Officially founded as a social enterprise, providing professional services to students with special educational needs in primary, secondary, tertiary institutions, and non-profit organizations in the following areas – 1) academics, 2) personal growth, 3) personal interests, 4) care and inclusion.


Employed graduates with special educational needs as fulfillment of social responsibility.


Cooperated with Hong Kong Shue Yan University and provided internship opportunities for students of its counselling and psychology undergraduate programme.


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